We have experience in a variety of software development including:
“Bare Metal” Firmware
- Microchip MPLABX XC8/16/32 for PIC devices.
- Atmel Studio with Advanced Software Framework (ASF) with ATtiny, ATmega, ATSAMD, ATSAM3, ATSAM4
- Open Source embedded development with GCC, GDB, Eclipse, Netbeans
- SDCC with 8051 and PIC
- Keil with IAR Embedded Webench
- GCC with ARM Cortex + ARM7/9 , AVR, MIPS, Coldfire
- Reverse engineering and development with obsolete compiler tech
- Microkernels and Finite State Machines
- Rapid Prototyping with Arduino MightyCore and other custom integrations
- Porting code / cross compiling between architectures
- Reverse engineering from hex code or assembler.
Embedded OS
- FreeRTOS
- TinyOS
- ContikiOS
- Cross compiling between x86 to ARM
- Bespoke microcontroller development for ultra low cost solutions e.g. PMS150